As our name suggests, the parish lies within the lower North Island's Kapiti Coast, named from the island that has played a significant part in New Zealand history, especially as far as
the tangata whenua (the Maori people) are concerned.
Our membership is open, welcoming and affirming, accepting of everyone, not just the main uniting denominations.
The parish mission statement is a simple one:
To promote Christian faith and values in the communities of the Kapiti Coast.
This ethic governs our worship and encourages our members to move out from the church into the community, giving service to others and helping address social issues.

Service Locations and Times:
30 March
United@9 combined Raumati 10am – Rev Roger Wiig
Waikanae 10am - Desmond Corrigan
6 April​​
United@9 combined Raumati 10am, Passion Sunday Choral Service
– Rev Anna Gilkison, HC
Waikanae 10am - Rev Robin List HC
​​​​​Link to service sheets from previous services​
Our Regular Services
Raumati Church, 10 Weka Road, Raumati Beach
9 am, United@9, all age informal worship service in hall
It is combined with the Raumati 10 am
service on the the first and third Sunday of the month.
10 am, service in church
Communion is on the first or second Sunday of the month.
Morning tea follows the service.
Waikanae Church, 9 Taiata Street, Waikanae Beach
10 am service
Communion is on the first or second Sunday of the month.
Morning tea follows the service.
Office Hours:
Tuesday to Friday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Physical and Mailing Address:
10 Weka Road
Raumati Beach
Paraparaumu 5032
04 902 5809 (Office)​